2022 Parade Line of March – As of Thursday, May 19th
Wellesley Residents – Recipients of Purple Hearts
All Wellesley Veterans — Sign Up Here for Participating in Parade, Reviewing Stand and Reception
2022 Wellesley’s Wonderful Weekend
Veterans Parade – Sunday, May 22, 2022
Town Picnic, Concert and Fireworks — Sunday, May 22, 2022
Annual Veterans Day Parade, fireworks, town picnic and celebrations
Historical Look Back – Veterans Parade 1970 — Rain or Shine, Parade Marches On — Names on Buildings May Change But On May 22, 2022 Our Beloved Weekend and Veterans Parade celebrated its 54th Year

About Wellesley’s Wonderful Weekend – 2022

Sunday, May 22, 2022
Fireworks, Picnic and Concert
4:30 p.m. — Picnic in the Park
6 p.m. — Concert
Dusk — Fireworks
Rain Date: June 5, 2022
Our theme is 90th Anniversary of the Purple Heart
Message from the Celebrations Committee
Latest Information
Henry Holcomb Bennett was an American author, journalist, and poet who wrote the patriotic poem The Flag Goes By…
Previous Years’ Parade
Meet Our Latest Donors:
- Martin and Jean Acquadro, M.D.; Amos Amalfi; Gig Babson; James and Judith Barr; Beechwood Construction, Inc.; Robert and Claire Bench; Dennis and Gaylen Bent; William and Pamela Berrutti; Carolyn Blair; Joel and Susan Bloom; Burke Funeral Home; Stephen and Nancy Calderwood; John Carey; Charles Cassidy; Linyun Chen; Clarke Family; Jason and Melanie Clary; Dana Hall School; Rosemary Donohue; Henri Fouda; Foundation for Metrowest; Irving and Gloria Fox; Frank Gagliano; Godfrey Family; Deborah Grandy; Walter and Aleida Greeley; Robert and Marilyn Hamburger; Thomas Hansen; Jodi Hartley; Bernard and Barbara Horan; Michael and Lisa Heyison; Kimberly Hornung; David and Lisa Howe; Margaret Hughes; John Hussey; Diane Impallaria; Peter and Marion Johansen; Sara Lynn Johnson; Robert Johnson; Susan Johnson; Joseph and Nancy Kahn; Harold Kaplan; Stephen and Anne Kott; Jeannette Kuske; Adele Langevin; William Lavelle, M.D.; Dena and Donna Lavine; John and Christine Mayer; Keith and Shirley Marden; Jeanne and Joan McCann; Robert and Mary McCarthy; Michael and Karen McGreal; William and Barbara McMahon; Gale Ann Merle; Stephen and Maura Miele; Parker and Marjorie Mitchell; Katherine Morello; Thomas and Patricia Moore, Jr.; Lavinia Morris; Marilyn Mosier; Ann Murphy; Ogden Nackoney; Luisa Hunnewell Newman; Vincent Nicolo; Dr. and Mrs. Chima Ohaegbulam; Lise Olney; Susan O’Neill; Roy and Jean Perkinson; Frances Perry; Elaine Pipes; Nancy and Rachel Place; Angela Pontrello; Putnoi Eye Care, Pierre Quirin; Kenneth Roberts; Lucille Rossignol; William Roberts; Paul and Annie Rolinick III; Emilia and Cristina Rotondi; Edward and Krista Ryan; Paul and Mary Sandman; Michael and Laurel Schnitman; Herlda Senhouse; Paul Shackford; Chris Spagnuolo; Ian and Natalie Starr; Scott and Pam Stewart; Pamela and Craig Stirrat; Gil Stubbs; Stephen and Rebecca Sullivan; Marie Taylor; Hugh and Anne Tuomey; Thomas and Jean Ulfelder; Rob and Terry Wadsworth; Robert Wallace; Ward Family; William and Laura Wilson; J. David Wimberly; Youngen Family; Brian and Elizabeth Zajac; Alexandra Zaltman
- Carl Nelson
- Jacqui Van Looy